New Hypertuffa Pots!

Finally, some new work emerging from the back of the backyard… a place where only cats and the occassional squirrel will go of their own accord.  A place where mosquitos outnumber other insects 2/1.  A place where I am obliged to go in order to make the mess that make the pots that get the plants that go to sell (someday) at market.  Weee!

Watch out for Dust Bunny Golem!

Sasquatch?     He leaves big footprints… big deal!

Loch Ness Monster?     Nothing but a giant sized bath toy.

Godzilla?    One big giant match striker. 

THIS  guy is Super Large, and more than in charge.  He scares old people in their slumbers, and keeps young children from ever sleeping at all.  He is the one and only… Dust Bunny Golem. 

Makes me shiver just knowing he lives and breathes under my bed… must be time to clean!   *(thanks are due to Tom Sale, aka Pinky Diablo, for posting this hilarious photo on FaceBook.)