Market in the Meadow!

So I really loved the opening monologue on SNL this last Saturday with Christina Applegate, which became a song and dance.  She was praising the last days of ‘no holidays’… that sweet spot of time in mid-October right before all the holiday madness descends in earnest.  Well, for me that time has come and gone.  It’s officially Halloweenusthanksgivingchristmasnewyearsicus….already.  Weeeee. 

We’ll be ‘celebrating’ with our All New wares at Market in the Meadow this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, so ya’ll come down and check it out!  It’s a heck of a show, it’s free, and the vendors are all over the place – from handmade silver jewelry  (like my good buddy Kim Morris to groovy one of a kind antique and vintage-y crafts (like my sister Kim) to the yummy food vendors, hawking delicious cheese balls.  You are probably wondering if I ‘do’ Christmas items.  Well, here’s the proof:

Abacus trees, cd trees, happy crafter!











cd stars, made from upcycled cd’s procured from a local recycler!

Appreciation photos are so very… appreciated!

Thanks so much to Molly Terry, who recently bought one of my creepy concrete cast baby heads at Thursday’s Design District Show.  She told me of her plan to install a tilandsia (air plant) into the floral frog that I had glued inside the head, and not only did she do a splendid job of styling her CBH, but she took the project up a notch by sending me this amazing photo.  Bravo, Molly!  In fact, I think this is spawning an idea for me.  Anyone who buys anything from me at a craft fair will recieve a discount coupon via email if they go home and snap a neat photo of the piece in its new location – whether it be home, office, or even a friend’s home.  Just email the photo to, and then watch the blog and your email!  Note:   the pics don’t have to be *this* nice, folks… I failed to mention Molly is a professional stylist!